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Sistem Tugasan Juruteknik Komputer (SisTech)

Kepada rakan-rakan FT,sis tech yang dibangunkan oleh FT dari Perak sudah siap dan telah di-upload untuk kegunaan semua.Klik disini untuk muat turun perisian.Berikut merupakan sedikit print screen gambar perisian tersebut.

ip hendaklah sama dgn ip address server.contoh dibawah

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Tips Pemrograman Visual Basic

Dalam seri tulisan ini, penulis mencuba merangkum berbagai tips singkat dalam pemrograman visual basic. Tulisan diberikan dengan padat dan disertai dengan source code program. Sangat tepat bagi para programmer visual basic, baik pemula maupun mahir untuk menggunakan teknik yang dijelaskan.
  1. Manipulasi File Microsoft UDL (Universal Data Link) Dengan Visual Basic 6.0
    Download source code udlm.zip
  2. Membuat ActiveX DLL (Dynamic Link Library) Pada Visual Basic 6.0 Access
    Download source code vbdll.zip
  3. Mendapatkan Informasi Mengenai Memori Komputer (RAM) Dengan Visual Basic
    Download source code meminfo.zip
  4. Open dan Close CD-ROM Drive
  5. Mengetahui Jumlah Prosessor di Komputer Anda
  6. Mengetahui Drive CD-ROM Pada Komputer
  7. Membuat Kontrol TextBox Anda Menjadi Flat Dengan Windows API
    Download source code tbflat.zip
  8. Memanfaatkan ADO Stream Object Pada Visual Basic Untuk Akses Data Bertipe BLOB Pada SQL Server
    Download source code streamblob.zip
Download Tulisan Lengkap:
  1. meminfo.zip
  2. sony-blob.zip
  3. sony-cdromvb.zip
  4. sony-dll.zip
  5. sony-flat.zip
  6. sony-numproc.zip
  7. sony-openclosecdrom.zip
  8. sony-udl.zip
  9. sony-vbram.zip
  10. streamblob.zip
  11. tbflat.zip
  12. udlm.zip
  13. vbdll.zip
(sumber dari web ilmukomputer)

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Cepat Mahir Visual Basic 6

Visual Basic adalah salah satu bahasa pemrograman komputer. Bahasa pemrograman adalah perintah-perintah yang dimengerti oleh komputer untuk melakukan tugas-tugas tertentu. Bahasa pemrograman Visual Basic, yang dikembangkan oleh Microsoft sejak tahun 1991, merupakan pengembangan dari pendahulunya yaitu bahasa pemrograman BASIC (Beginner’s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) yang dikembangkan pada era 1950-an. Visual Basic merupakan salah satu Development Tool yaitu alat bantu untuk membuat berbagai macam program komputer, khususnya yang menggunakan sistem operasi Windows. Visual Basic merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman komputer yang mendukung object (Object Oriented Programming = OOP).
Tulisan Cepat Mahir Visual Basic 6 menjelaskan dengan komprehensif teknik pemrograman Visual Basic 6, dilengkapi dengan gambar dan contoh program sehingga memudahkan anda untuk memahami dan mencobanya.
Bab 1: Pendahuluan
Bab 2: Menggunakan Event dan Property
Bab 3: Menggunakan Event dan Method
Bab 4: Penggunaan Data dan Variabel
Bab 5: Penggunaan Operator
Download Source Code (lat1-4.zip)
Bab 6: Penggunaan Struktur Kontrol IF
Download Source Code (lat1-5.zip)
Bab 7: Penggunaan Struktur Kontrol SELECT
Download Source Code (lat1-6.zip)
Bab 8: Penggunaan Struktur Kontrol Pengulangan
Download Source Code (lat1-7.zip)
Bab 9: Penggunaan Array
Download Source Code (lat1-8.zip)
Bab 10: Penggunaan Kontrol Array
Download Source Code (lat1-9.zip)
Bab 11: Menangani Error
Download Source Code (lat1-10.zip)
Bab 12: Penggunaan Procedure
Download Source Code (lat1-11.zip)
Bab 13: Penanganan Keyboard
Download Source Code (lat1-12.zip)
Bab 14: Menggunakan Drag Drop
Bab 15: Menggunakan OLE Drag Drop
  1. krisna-vb6-09.zip
  2. krisna-vb6-01.zip
  3. krisna-vb6-02.zip
  4. krisna-vb6-03.zip
  5. krisna-vb6-04.zip
  6. krisna-vb6-05.zip
  7. krisna-vb6-06.zip
  8. krisna-vb6-07.zip
  9. krisna-vb6-08.zip
  10. krisna-vb6-10.zip
  11. krisna-vb6-11.zip
  12. krisna-vb6-12.zip
  13. krisna-vb6-13.zip
  14. krisnha-vb614.zip
  15. krisnha-vb615.zip
  16. lat1-4.zip
  17. lat1-5.zip
  18. lat1-6.zip
  19. lat1-7.zip
  20. lat1-8.zip
  21. lat1-10.zip
  22. lat1-11.zip
  23. lat1-12.zip

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Pemrograman Bahasa C dengan Turbo C

Bahasa C merupakan salah satu bahasa pemrograman yang sangat populer di mata para pakar dunia komputer, terutama di kalangan pendidikan, karena bahasa C dianggap sebagai bahasa yang memiliki banyak keunnggulan dibanding bahasa yang lain. Dilihat dari sisi sintaksnya Bahasa C sangat mudah dipelajari baik bagi kalangan pelajar/mahasiswa maupun kalangan masyarakat umum, dan dari segi kecepatan Bahasa C sangat tangguh karena bisa berjalan secepat bahasa tingkat rendah (rakitan). Karena keunggulannya tersebut, bahasa C dipakai sebagai mata kuliah wajib hampir di seluruh perguruan tinggi di dunia.
Di dalam buku ini, penulis mencoba menjelaskan dasar-dasar dari Bahasa C mulai dari program yang paling sederhana sampai program yang kompleks. Penulis berusaha menyajikan semua contoh yang ada di dalam buku ini dengan jelas dan sesuai dengan algoritma Pemrograman Terstruktur.
Download Tulisan Lengkap:
  1. Cover Buku
  2. Bab 1: Berkenalan dengan Bahasa C
  3. Bab 2: Struktur Dasar Bahasa C
  4. Bab 3: Input dan Output
  5. Bab 4: Penyeleksian Kondisi
  6. Bab 5: Perulangan
  7. Bab 6: Array (Larik)
  8. Bab 7: Fungsi
  9. Bab 8: Pointer
  10. Bab 9: Operasi File 

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Sistem Rekod Log Penggunaan Komputer (SisLog)

Program ini direka khas buat mereka yang bekerja di SEKOLAH
Pengenalan Sistem Rekod Log Penggunaan Komputer (SisLog)
Sistem ini membantu merekod log penggunaan setiap komputer yang disambungkan melalui rangkaian (network). Sistem ini juga menggantikan “BUKU LOG PENGGUNAAN KOMPUTER” yang berada di Makmal-makmal komputer, Pusat Akses dan ditempat lain yang mempunyai rangkaian komputer setempat (LAN) mahupun (WAN).

Kelebihan Sistem SisLog?

    - Dapat merekod log penggunaan komputer dengan lebih efisyen. - Dapat menganalisis data log secara professional. - Dapat menjana laporan harian, bulanan dan juga tahunan dengan lebih terperinci. - Dapat menjimatkan masa serta kos untuk membuat “BUKU LOG” yang berada di makmal komputer. - Sejajar dengan hasrat kerajaan untuk mempraktikkan budaya celik IT dan seterusnya dapat meningkatkan mutu kerja seharian.

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D-Link Router As Access Point

If you’ve recently upgraded your router, you can use your old D-Link router as a wireless access point elsewhere in the house to extend the range of your wireless coverage. Routers perform tasks that make running two routers on the same network difficult, so you will first need to disable some features in the old D-Link before it can be used as a WAP. To dumb the router down, you’ll need to disable Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) and DHCP, and then change the IP address to an address within the range on your LAN.

Note: These principles apply to other router manufacturers, as well, but the specifics–such as IP address–will be different.

Steps To Make Your D-Link Router A Wireless Access Point

To convert your old D-Link router into a Wireless Access Point, first make sure your computer has an IP address similar to 192.168.0.xxx. If your new router is also a D-Link, then it should be. To confirm, go to Start, Run and type cmd and hit OK. At the command prompt, type ipconfig /all and hit return. You will see your Ethernet adapter in the list, along with the IP address. Write this IP address down if it’s different.
If it is NOT similar to 192.168.0.xxx, you’ll need to change it in the Network Settings. Right-click your network adapter and change it to Static IP Address of with a subnet mask of Save and reboot to confirm the settings take effect. When we’re completely finished, you will want to go back to this section and change it back to Obtain IP Address Automatically.
convert d-link router to wap

Once your computer has the correct IP address, perform the following steps:
  1. Reset the router (recommended). There is a button on the back. Use a paperclip and depress the button for twenty seconds or until you see the lights on the front of the router flash. The router may reboot on its own.
  2. Next, plug your computer into the router via an Ethernet cable into one of the available LAN ports on the router.
  3. Open your web browser and enter and press enter. When the login box appears, type admin and leave the password field empty, then hit enter.
  4. Click on Advanced and then click Advanced Network. Uncheck the option that enables UPnP and then click Save.
  5. Click Setup, then click Network Settings. Uncheck the option for DHCP server and click Save to continue.
  6. Next, look under the router settings and enter an IP address in the range of your current network. If the IP address you wrote down above is different than something like 192.168.0.xxx, you will need to change. For instance, if your computer’s previous IP addresss was this means the new router has an IP address like Therefore, your old D-link router will need to be on that network, too. To do this, make the address something like In this example, you changed the third number (octet) to a “1″ instead of “0.” If your computer previously had a “0″ in that position, make the IP address of the D-Link something like Save, then close the browser.
  7. At this point, you’ll want to go back into the network adapter of your computer and change it back to Obtain IP Address Automatically if you had to change it to a static IP address before we started.
  8. Disconnect your computer from the D-Link and hook it back up to your network and reboot the PC.
  9. Connect the old D-Link router to a LAN port of your new router.
  10. You should now be able to login to the old D-Link at if you used the IP address we used in the example above. You will want to configure wireless settings, such as WPA-2 for security and set a new admin username and password if you haven’t already.
Your D-Link is now a WAP on your network. To get maximum range, run an Ethernet line to a location furthest from the new router. You might need to go through the walls and ceiling or basement, but this will give you maximum range and  speed with a new wired WAP in a location where there was previously dead spots.

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Use Multiple Routers on Network

Dust off those old wireless routers and put them to good use by extending WiFi range throughout your house. If you have your primary connection on the first floor and are having problems reaching the far corner of the second level or even the basement, you can connect a second router in that area and have complete coverage throughout your home. The best way to do this is to hard-wire a line from an Ethernet port on the first router to the second router. This might require going through walls and ceilings or floors, but if you take the time and run the lines, you will enjoy high-speed broadband throughout. You can configure the second router to connect wirelessly to the first and act as a repeater to the outside world, but is difficult and could result in dropped signals. So buy a box of Cat5 and run the lines.

Wire Your House for Internet

Mose Internet setups will have a modem of some kind and a router. Sometimes the router is built into the modem, but that is okay. The back of the router will have several ports for multiple PCs. The router is the gateway for the internal network and will supply IP addresses to computers if it is setup as a DHCP server as most are by default. You will want to run your extra lines from this router to the farthest corner of the house. While you have the wall open, you might want to consider running a line to the basement, as well, to future-proof your network. A good technique for going to upstairs areas is to go all the way up to the attic with a couple of lines and then run the lines down the wall from the attic access.
Once the lines are run, you’ll need to terminate them with Ethernet plugs and attach them to the main router and the router you have put on the opposite end of the house. To get the second router to work as a WiFi access point, you’ll need to disable some of the features that make it a router. To do this, login to the router through a computer connected directly to it via a cable. Open your web browser and type in its address, which will be something like or–you may need to lookup your model to see what its default internal IP address.
  1. Disable DHCP- Once you are able to get into the router’s control panel, look for the DHCP settings and disable it. We do not want to second router to act as a DHCP server to PCs, as this will certainly cause confusion if both routers are supplying IPs on the network.
  2. Assign Static IP Address – You will also want the router to have a static IP address. Determine the rang of IP addresses your primary router assigns and give the second router a static IP address higher up the range. For instance, if your router gives out IP address between and, consider assigning the second router an IP like Be sure to set the Gateway to match the internal address of the primary router (probably like The second router needs to know this so computers connected to it can reach the outside world.
  3. Assign the router an SSID – The SSID is a name that identifies the router. If router one is named Home1, consider calling the second router Home2 to keep it simple.
Once you power cycle all network devices, the new router should show up to wireless computers in the area. You can even plug into them and it will act as a hub for multiple PCs in the area. So if you have a lot of routers lying around, put them to good use on your home network  and increase your wireless range.

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DNS Error – Cannot Find Server

If you are getting the message “DNS Error – cannot find server” whenever you try to access a website, this means your computer cannot associate the name of the website, such as google.com, with its IP address DNS problems can occur through misconfiguration with your network or problems with a specific website, which you can do nothing about.

Fixing DNS Problems

The following steps should help you correct issues you’re experiencing with websites not loading or if you’re receiving the error Oops! The Link Appears Broken “DNS Error – cannot find server.” Or in IE you might be getting the error “The Page Cannot Be Displayed.”

Is the problem with your network or a particular website? To test this, just go to another site–one you haven’t visited before. If the website appears, then the DNS problem is likely due to a problem with that specific site. To test, try using that website’s IP address instead of the actual name. In our example with Google above, we used the IP address of their site. To find a website’s IP address, go to a site like IPLookUp.Net and type in the name of the site. You will get their IP address. Next, type the IP address into your web browser (example: and see if the site appears. If so, there is a DNS problem.
Try refreshing the page. Hit F5 on your keyboard to refresh the page. If the site was down, you might be seeing a cached page. Refreshing the page might bring it back up.

Is the DNS problem browser-specific? If you have more than one web browser installed in addition to Internet Explorer, such as Firefox or Google Chrome, try opening web pages and see if they load. If they do, then the problem lies with your web browser and not your network. Try clearing the cache on your browser and see if that resolves the DNS error.

Try rebooting your network. Power down the computer, the router and the laptop. Let them sit for a few minutes, then power up in reverse order, starting with the modem, the router, then the PC. Give each a minute to fully boot. If there was some type of outage, this should reset all network components.

Check your IP address information. DNS settings are stored in your router, and you’re likely get your IP address from your router. Check your IP address for problems by clicking the Start button then type cmd and hit OK. At the command line, type ipconfig /all. You will see your network adapter, along with some information about your gateway and DNS servers:

dns servers

In the above example, the router (Default Gateway) has an IP address of and the DNS servers are listed below that. Your IP address should resemble the IP address of the router–something like If your DNS servers are, then you have a problem with the router’s configuration.
First, try flushing the DNS settings from the router. At the command line, type ipconfig /flushdns and then hit enter. Then type ipconfig /registerdns and hit enter again. This should remove old cached DNS entries in the router. If this doesn’t work, try specifying new DNS servers in the router.

Login to the router via the web browser and specify new DNS servers. Since all routers handle this differently, you should look for instructions from your router’s website. For a Linksys router, go to in your web browser and login. Look for the Setup tab and make sure your router is set to Obtain IP Address Automatically. If not, change it and reboot the router after saving. Upon reboot, the router should get updated DNS server settings.

If you want to specify static DNS servers, such as OpenDNS, change from the setting from Automatic to Static in your router configuration and put in the following two DNS servers: and Save and reboot the router and your computer.

open dns

Try plugging directly into the modem. If you’re unsure about the router configuration, try plugging your computer directly into your modem if it is a separate device. Some modems and routers will be integrated, but some will not. If you can, bypass the router and plug the Ethernet cable directly into the Internet port of your modem and reboot both devices. Upon reboot, your modem will be speaking directly with your computer, and if you are able to get onto the Internet, you know the problem is in your router’s configuration. Try resetting the router to default and integrate it back into the network.

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How To Recover Deleted Files In Windows 7

You can easily recover deleted files using the Windows 7 Previous Version tool. If you had been working on a document and deleted it by mistake, or if you had changed a document and accidentally saved over it, you can recover the old version in a few simple steps. For this to work, you do need to have System Restore enabled so it can automatically create restore points for you to recover the document from.
You will first need to make sure backups were being created to begin with. To make sure System Restore is enabled on your PC, right-click Computer and select Properties. Next, click the System Protection tab and then click on the drive you want to enable (Usually the C: drive) and then click OK. This will turn it on if it was off.
If System Restore is already enabled, then you have the ability to recover a previous version of a document and you can do so from the following steps below.
How To Use Previous Versions in Windows 7
To recover a the previous version of a changed document in Windows 7, open the folder where the file had been stored and then right-click anywhere in open space. Next, select Properties and click OK.

previous version of document in Windows 7

The Properties screen of that folder will have multiple tabs across the top. Click the Previous Version tab.
previous version of document in Windows 7

You will then see numerous versions of changed and deleted files in that folder based on the restore points that were automatically created by Windows. Select the version time and date you want to revert the document back to and then click Open.
reinstall previous version of document in Windows 7

You will then see the previous versions of all of files in that folder based on the time and date you selected. You can now recover any of those files by right-clicking the file and selecting Send to and then by choosing the folder you want to save it to. In the example above, we are recovering a deleted file from the My Documents folder and returning it back to the same Documents library.
recover previous version of document in Windows 7

As you can see, the deleted document is back in the Documents library where it had accidentally been deleted from. This was all possible because System Restore had automatically taken a snapshot of my files and I was able to recover deleted files using Previous Version in Windows 7.

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Pantau keadaan HDD anda dengan Hard Drive Monitoring Software

Acronis Hard Drive Monitor is a great utility for  monitoring the hard drives installed inside of your PC. Acronis specializes in hard drives and provides both commercial and free programs. The Acronis Hard Drive Monitor is one of their best free programs and is a great way to keep an eye on the physical condition of your hard drive’s health before something bad happens and you lose all of your data. If this program recognizes a potential problem it will either generate an email or notify you through a pop-up alert. Because it’s continuously monitoring the state of your hard disk, you never have to remember to run the program after installing it.

Installing Acronis Hard Dive Monitor

  1. Download the program from the Acronis website.
  2. Run the Acronis Drive Monitor setup file.
  3. From the Install Menu, click on the Install Acronis Drive Monitor to launch the installation process. An installation wizard will follow.
  4. Read and accept the Acronis Drive Monitor license terms.
  5. Choose where to install the program. Default options will be fine.
install hard drive monitoring software

You can run the program following installation by clicking the new icon on your Desktop or by navigating through the Start menu to Start>All Programs>Acronis>Acronis Drive Monitor. When you launch the program you will see a summary of the drives installed on your computer and any alerts associated with them. You will see yellow warning icons if minor issues have been detected or red icons if there is a serious problem. If everything is fine, you will see a green check mark beside the drive.

hard drive health

In addition to monitoring your hard drive, this program will occasionally remind you to perform backups of your data. You can either use a solution through Acronis or manage a backup strategy on your own. You can read our article on data backup methods for more information on backing up your computer. Remember, it’s not “if” your hard drive will fail, it’s “when.” So make sure you monitor your drive and always have a backup of your data.

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Download Perisian Agama


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Cara connect projektor pada windows 7

Sering kali masalah ini aku lalui.Bila guna win7 pastu nak connect ke LCD projector memang kadang-kadang ada masalah.Kalau menggunakan win XP,senang saja,auto- detect tapi kalau win7,lain sikit.Aku dah jumpa cara mudah juga la.(terpulang pada masing2 punya cara)

Ikut langkah ni.
1.Tekan butang Windows yang ada pada papan kekunci anda (keyboard) diikuti dengan huruf P. Win +P 


2.Melalui Start Menu, taip DisplaySwitch.exe kemudian enter.

                                image diatas akan terpapar,pilih mengikut penggunaan anda

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Perisian altenatif terbaik jika Command Prompt disekat

Pernahkan anda mengalami masalah seperti ini?anda tidak dapat membuka Command Prompt (cmd) komputer anda? Command Prompt merupakan salah satu kompenen penting dalam sistem operasi Windows,Command Prompt ini mempunyai banyak kemudahan termasuk membaiki sistem operasi anda,mengenalpasti virus yang ada pada komputer anda dan sebagainya.
Kebiasaannya,virus komputer akan menyekat anda untuk menggunakan fungsi ini…Ini kerana dengan menggunakan Command Prompt + sedikit kemahiran ICT anda dapat mematikan proses sekaligus membuang virus-virus yang telah menjangkiti sistem operasi anda.
Bagaimanakah caranya untuk memasuki Command Prompt ini?
Windows XP : Klik pada butang Start Windows,kemudian klik pada “RUN” dan taip CMD.
Windows 7 : Klik pada logo windows  @ butang Start ,kemudian pada ruangan kosong ” Search programs and files” taip CMD.
Jika anda tidak dapat memasuki perisian tersedia Command Prompt yang ada pada sistem operasi anda,kemungkinan besar ianya adalah disebabkan virus.Anda tidak perlu risau kerana anda boleh menggunakan perisian altenatif yang berfungsi sama seperti Command Prompt ini.
Untuk muat turun perisian tersebut secara PERCUMA,sila ke pautan berikut :

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Free Network Tool Software Downloads

Disini ada beberapa jenis software yang digunakan untuk mengoptimumkan rangkaian.Berikut merupakan software tersebut:

  1. CMDTime NTP Utility - http://www.softshape.com/download/
  2. Ethereal Protocol Analyzer - http://www.ethereal.com/
  3. NMap - http://www.insecure.org/nmap/
  4. Ntop - http://www.ntop.org
  5. PingPlotter - http://www.pingplotter.com
  6. PuTTY - http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty
  7. RAS Graph & Stats - http://www.trvx.com/rasgs/
  8. RealVNC - http://www.realvnc.com/
  9. TightVNC - http://www.tightvnc.org/
  10. UltraVNC - http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/
  11. WinSCP - http://www.winscp.com/

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12 Steps To Convert Your Blog From Blogger To Wordpress

These are the 12 steps I applied to convert, move or migrate blog from Blogger to Wordpress:

  1. First and foremost, know the benefits of converting your blog from Blogger to Wordpress. See if the benefits worth the conversion for your blog.
  2. If you’ve decided to convert your blog or go for Wordpress, signup to have one. If you host your own blog, install the Wordpress blog into a directory other than your existing blog through the Fantastico feature of your web host. If you opt to install Wordpress manually, here is the Wordpress installation guide.
  3. After installation, sign in and access your Wordpress admin page. Select the Wordpress template you prefer. The popular templates are those with 2-column and 3-column designs. But, there are so many Wordpress themes or templates that will surely capture your heart.
  4. Choose the Wordpress widgets you love. Popular Wordpress widgets include Popular Posts, Recent posts, Recent Comments, Related Posts, Top Commentators, and also the money making widgets. These are only few of the Wordpress widgets that attract readers and make them navigate or participate in your blog discussions.
  5. Identify the Wordpress widgets and other blog sections you wanted to appear in your blog. Map these widgets and blog sections in your Wordpress template.
  6. Edit the Wordpress template to implement the widgets and other sections in your Wordpress blog. Choose the URL structure your prefer as discussed in my previous post, Top 5 Reasons to Convert Your Blog From Blogger to Wordpress. Test if your final template and design are working properly by clicking the links or navigating it.
  7. Before you may import your Blogger blog posts with externally-hosted Wordpress blog, edit first the blogger.php file in /wp-admin/import/. Delete the “2″ in www2.blogger.com.
  8. Convert your self-hosted Blogger blog into blogspot in Blogger Admin Settings with any available name. Better do it during the non-peak hours of your blog. When there are less visitors accessing your blog. Then, click Formatting in the Blogger Setting and change the post timestamp into mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM, the first option in drop-down menu. After that, click Archiving and set Archive Frequency to “monthly”. Then, import your Blogger blog posts and comments through the import link in your Wordpress blog Admin page. After importing, immediately convert your blogspot blog to its original state. This will minimize the inaccessibility of your original blog.
  9. Test your Wordpress blog again but having your own blog posts. Don’t forget to delete the sample post if you’ve not yet done so. Navigate your blog to ensure that everything is fine.
  10. If all are OK, backup your old Blogger blog and the new Wordpress blog. Then, edit your Wordpress blog base URL at Options in Admin page. Replace it with your original blog URL, either root or subdirectory. Here’s the details of moving Wordpress blog to another directory.
  11. If you original blog is in subdirectory, just change the name of that directory with a new one. Then, rename your Wordpress blog directory with your original blog directory. Then, type your blog URL in your web browser address window. You must be directed to your Wordpress blog.If your original blog is in the root directory, you need to delete your original blog files. To minimize or prevent your original blog being inaccessible, implement a temporary redirection to your Wordpress blog directory prior to deletion. Then, upload your Wordpress blog to the root directory where your original blog is located.
  12. Now, type your original blog URL in your web browser address bar and your Wordpress blog should appear. If everything is fine, you may delete or disable your Blogger blog permanently. Search engine robot access to your blog backup directory in your server must be disallowed using robots.txt to prevent duplicate content.
That’s it…Enjoy your Wordpress blog!

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Blogger Templates

Kepada penggiat blogger,keinginan untuk mencantikkan pemandangan,penglihatan,dan menarik perhatian pembaca untuk masuk ke web anda adalah suatu keutamaan.Template yang dibekalkan adalah terlalu terhad.Oleh itu beberapa penggiat blog telah membuat template dan boleh dimaut turun secara percuma.Sila copy link dibawah untuk muat turun.

Cara mengganti template di Blogger

Kamu hanya perlu download template baru yang ada (.xml), kemudian upload lewat account blogger kamu.
Cara Mengganti template di Blogger
  • Login ke blogger.com, setelah masuk ke dashboard, pilih blog yang ingin kamu ganti templatenya. Klik pada link Layout.
  • Setelah halaman Template terbuka, pilih sub menu Edit HTML
  • Sekarang upload fil .xml yang udah kamu download, Klik tombol Browse dan cari dimana file .xml kamu simpan, kemudian klik tombol Upload

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    Apa itu Wordpress

    WordPress merupakan sistem penerbitan blog yang ditulis dalam bahasa pengaturcaraan PHP dan disokong oleh pangkalan data MySQL. WordPress merupakan evolusi yang paling berjaya dari induk sistem penerbitan blog b2/cafelog dan memiliki sejumlah besar pengguna dan pemaju untuk perisiannya.
    Diedarkan di bawah Lesen Awam Am GNU, WordPress disebarkan kepada umum sebagai perisian percuma. Versi terkini WordPress iaitu Version 3.1.1 telah diterbitkan pada 15 April 2011.

    Permulaan WordPress
    Nama ‘WordPress’ telah dicadangkan oleh Christine Selleck, iaitu rakan kepada ‘bapa’ pemaju WordPress, Matt Mullenweg. WordPress pada masa ini hanya menyokong satu blog atau portal web untuk satu kali pemasangan, namun terdapat juga versi multi-pengguna yang dinamakan sebagai WordPress MU (WordPress MultiUser-WordPress MultiPengguna).

    Walaupun begitu, seseorang pengguna WordPress masih boleh memiliki lebih dari satu blog WordPress di dalam satu pelayan dan pangkalan data yang sama, iaitu dengan meletakkan fail-fail pemasangan WordPress dalam direktori yang berlainan.

    Terbitan perisian baru WordPress selalunya dinamakan sempena pemuzik jazz yang terkenal, contohnya Mingus dan Ella (Ella Fitgerald).

    Untuk mendapatkan nota panduan membuat wordpress,sila klik disini.

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    Trik melihat kamera sekuriti menggunakan Google Search

    Untuk pengetahuan anda, setiap kamera yang memakai alamat internet boleh dilihat dari mana-mana sahaja di komputer yang mempunyai internet. Kamera tersebut termasuklah CCTV, kamera trafik, kamera sekuriti dan lain-lain lagi. Sebarang sekuriti yang tidak ketat seperti ketiadaan password yang diletakkan untuk kamera tersebut membolehkan mana-mana pengguna internet mengakses kamera tersebut. Hal ini telah disedari ramai orang dan telah pun diulas dalam Fox.tv iaitu stesen TV terkenal di dunia. Namun begitu jalan penyelesaiannya masih ditahap kurang memuaskan. Cara yang terbaik dicadangkan hanyalah mengetatkan sekuriti dan meletakkan password pada IP webcam atau kamera tersebut. [Video ulasan fox TV].


    Oleh sebab itu, anda masih boleh melihat kamera-kamera internet tersebut secara live di internet. Jika bernasib baik, bukan sahaja lihat pemandangan melalui kamera, malah pengawalan kamera tersebut turut dapat anda lakukan.
    Ikuti cara berikut untuk mengujinya :
    Copy dan Search perkataan berikut pada enjin carian Google :

    Contoh :

    [ inurl: “ViewerFrame?Mode=” ]
    [ inurl:/view/index.shtml ]
    [ inurl:"MultiCameraFrame?Mode=" ]
    [ inurl:"axis-cgi/mjpg" ]
    [ intitle:"Live View / - AXIS" | inurl:view/view.shtml^ ]
    (COPY tanpa [ ] ). Senarai IP network kamera akan terpapar dan klik mana-mana untuk mula melihat kamera tersebut.Untuk paparan yg memuaskan,sila guna IE.
    boleh juga klik link dibawah untuk menguji...

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    PC semua dalam satu HP

    HP TouchSmart 610-1000 Desktop PC series - HP TouchSmart Home Desktop PCs
    -PC HP TouchSmart 610-
    HP menampilkan generasi terbaru komputer peribadi (PC) semua dalam satu yang mengubah gaya manusia berinteraksi dengan komputer untuk memberikan pengalaman mengujakan dalam hiburan digital.
    PC HP TouchSmart 610 memang dibangunkan sedemikian rupa berasaskan perisian khusus untuk sentuhan skrin LCD beresolusi tinggi bagi membolehkan gaya guna pantas untuk mendapatkan maklumat, berhibur atau bersosial.
    Ia menggabungkan skrin lebar definisi tinggi 23 inci dan sentuhan jari menggunakan pemprosesan Intel Core2 Duo i3 hingga i7.

    Paling mengagumkan, ia berupaya menawarkan memori 8192MB DDR3 dengan pemacu cakera keras sehingga 2000GB.

    Tanpa menggunakan papan kekunci atau tetikus, pengguna masih boleh memainkan lagu, mencipta senarai lagu, menatap gambar, menonton TV dan sebagainya dengan hanya kawalan jari di atas skrin.

    Program TV boleh dirakam dan terus disimpan dalam VCD atau DVD kerana ia turut dilengkapi pemacu DVD boleh tulis, malah boleh juga berkongsi video apabila pengguna memindahnaikkan video ke laman YouTube serta menikmati sistem audio bermutu tinggi daripada pembesar suara premium bersepadunya.

    System features
    Operating system installed Genuine Windows® 7 Home Premium 64
    Processor Intel® Core™ i5-650
    • 3.2 GHz, DMI 2.5GT/s
    Chipset Intel A57
    Standard memory 4 GB 1333 MHz DDR3
    Memory slots 4 SODIMM
    Internal drives 500 GB SATA 3G (7200 rpm)
    Optical drives SuperMulti SATA Drive and Double Layer
    Graphics ATI Radeon HD 5570 (1 GB dedicated)
    Display 23" Integrated TFT Panel
    Expansion features
    Ports 8 USB 2.0
    2 Microphones
    2 Headphones
    1 Line-in
    1 Audio Line-out
    1 LAN
    1 Sub-out
    1 IR blaster
    Memory card device 6-in-1 memory card reader
    Media devices
    TV tuner HP TV Tuner Mini PCIe Card
    Webcam Integrated webcam
    Audio features Beats audio console, High Definition Audio 5.1
    Input devices
    Keyboard HP Wireless Keyboard ECO w/Beats Key (Lynx KB/ElaraMouse/Dongle) [ECO Lynx]
    Network interface Integrated 10/100/1000 BaseT network interface (Broadband Ready)
    Wireless technologies HP Wireless Wlan 802.11b/g/n Mini Card
    Dimensions and Weight
    Product weight 11.2 kg
    Product dimensions (W x D x H) 58.5 x 10.3 x 45.1 cm
    What's included
    Warranty 1 year limited (1 year parts, 1 year onsite) warranty with up-and-running phone support for first 30 days
    Software included Norton Internet Security 2010 with 60 days subscription
    Recovery CD Creator
    Hard Drive based Application Recovery for reinstallation of applications and drivers
    Hard Drive based System Recovery with option to keep user data files intact
    Preloaded Help & Support Center (with online product updates from hp)
    Microsoft® Internet Explorer
    Microsoft® Windows Live Applications
    Microsoft® Office Starter 2010

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    Create a partition for Windows 7 and Vista(Buat partition untuk windows 7 dan Vista)

    This tutorial is to create a 'partition' your HDD using the operating system Windows 7. There are two steps you can do. please see the tutorial below.


    Using Disk Management
    1. You will first need to shrink a partition or volume from the free space on a disk to create unallocated space on that disk to use to create the new partition or volume with on the same disk.

    2. Open the Control Panel (All Items view), and click on the Administrative Tools icon. then close the Control Panel window.

    3. Click on Computer Management in Administrative Tools, then close the Administrative Tools window.

    4. In the left pane under Storage, click on Disk Management. (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step1.jpg

    5. In the middle pane, right click on the empty unallocated partition or volume and click on New Simple Volume. (See screenshot above)

    6. Click on the Next button. (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step2.jpg
    7. Type in how many MB (1 GB = 1024 MB) you want to use from the unallocated partition to create the new partition with, then click on the Next button. (See screenshot below)
    NOTE: If you want to use all of the unallocated partition to create the new partition with, then type all of the maximum disk space shown for the unallocated partition. If you do not use all of the maximum disk space, then you can use the left over space from the unallocted partition to create another new partition with.
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step3.jpg
    8. Select an available drive letter that you want to be assigned to the new partition in Computer, then click on the Next button. (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step4.jpg
    9. Type in a volume label name that you want for the new partition, check the Perform a quick format box, and click on the Next button. (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step5.jpg
    10. Click on the Finish button. (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step6.jpg
    11. The new primary partition or volume has now been created with the assigned unallocted partition space (step 7). (See screenshot below)
    Partition or Volume - Create  New-create_step7.jpg
    12. Close the Computer Management window. (See screenshot above)

    p/s:(to change the language of the above, please use Google translate.) 
    copy this link to translate....

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    Masalah windows 7 atau vista tidak boleh connect wireless

    Artikel kali ini saya ingin membicarakan mengenai masalah pada pengguna windows 7 or vista yang tidak boleh membuat sambungan ke internet menggunakan wireless.Masalah ini berlaku kerana router/ap itu mempunyai security.Bagi yang mengalami masalah tersebut,boleh la mencuba langkah-langkah berikut.

    1.Lihat pada ikon wireless,simbol (X) bermaksud tidak boleh connect ke wireless kerana windows tidak mengenal identiti security yang digunakan.

    2.Klik pada ikon tersebut dan pilih jenis ataupun router/ap yang digunakan.

                                                 3.Right clik pada jenis tersebut dan pilih properties

    4.Paparan seperti diatas akan keluar.Pilih security.Dua menu akan terpapar seperti diatas.Klik pada security type dan ubah mengikut jenis security yang di setting dalam router/ap.Contohnya:Sekiranya anda memilih WPA didalam router/ap seperti dibawah,maka set kan lah sebagai WPA.

    5.Pada menu encryption,anda juga perlu pilih mengikut seperti yang di-setting dalam router/ap.Contohnya seperti dibawah.
    ( Pilih encryption,masukan password dalam kotak yang disediakan dan tekan 'ok' )

    6.Gambar dibawah menunjukan wireless anda telah sedia untuk digunakan.

    ps/:artikel diatas saya pelajari daripada wireless di tempat kerja dimana terdapat sesetengah laptop yang menggunakan windows vista/win7 tidak boleh connect ke wireless internet sekiranya router/ap teleh di setkan ada security password.Mudah-mudahan dapat memberi sedikit perkongsian dengan anda semua..

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