Whether you're working or student,to make a assignment, book report, blog post, article or novel, it's helpful to know how many words you've written. Microsoft's Word software offers the ability to check your document's word count along with a number of other statistics, such as character count, line numbers and page count.
(Sama ada anda bekerja atau pelajar, untuk membuat tugasan, buku laporan, blog post, barang atau novel, ia membantu untuk mengetahui berapa banyak perkataan yang anda tulis. Perisian Microsoft Word menawarkan keupayaan untuk menyemak perkataan dokumen anda mengira bersama-sama dengan beberapa statistik yang lain, seperti kiraan watak, nombor garis dan bilangan halaman.)
Word 2003
Open your document in Word 2003.
Click in front of the text you wish to check. Drag your mouse over the text until you've highlighted the section for which you're checking the word count. To check all of the words in a document, do not highlight any text.
Click "Tools" and choose "Word Count."
Word 2007 and Word 2010
Open your document in Word 2007 or Word 2010.
Click in front of the text you're checking and drag your mouse to highlight it. If you're checking the entire document, do not highlight any text.
Click the "Review" tab to open the "Review" panel.
Click "Word Count" to open a window that displays page, word, line, character and paragraph statistics.